We have been set apart

LIA Medical Mentees at GMHC-Africa 2015

We have been set apart as holy because Jesus Christ did what God wanted him to do by sacrificing his body once and for all. – Hebrews 10:10 

Dear Prayer Partner,

This weekend I had the pleasure of sharing a great and very inspiring weekend with young doctors who are part of a mentorship program with LIA. These seventeen young doctors met at our annual GMHC-Africa Conference and after some discussion we invited them to be a part of a three-year mentorship program with LIA.

Over the three years we will get an opportunity to walk with this group, imparting values, vision, principles of ministry, and inviting them to serve alongside LIA.

As we sat around the campfire Saturday evening, roasting marshmallows and singing songs, I was reminded that many of us are the people we are today because of the free gift of Salvation, received when we accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. This is what identifies us as Children of God and makes us members of the Lord’s army and on a journey to heaven. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Many times we undermine the worth and the high calling that comes with salvation. We need to be reminded of the great worth and the high calling we have as children of God, and live in a manner worthy of this high calling.Salvation marks us out as a special people for service.

Pray for these young doctors, that they will excel to be classified as vessels of honor. Also join me in praying:

  • For the commitment we are seeing from these mentees and their deep desire to be discipled. Pray that they will continue in this way to the end.
  • Many of these are in this mentorship because they have sensed a call to medical missions on their lives. Pray that this call will be protected from the worldly push for money and position.
  • Four of these doctors are joining post graduate classes in a couple of months in plastic surgery, tropical medicine, Cardio thoracic surgery and pediatrics. Commit them to the Lord in this next step.
  • Three of these mentees are engaged and will cross that line into marriage in the next year or so. Pray for grace as they navigate wedding preparations and the smooth balance of that transition with their busy lives.
  • Several of these mentees desire to participate in the work of LIA. Pray that we will involve them with discernment and enable them to learn as well as be of service.

In Christ,

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