Bearing much fruit for His glory in 2017
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Pray About It.

Happy New Year!

So grateful that the Lord has allowed us to see yet another year filled with so much promise.
The prophetic word that the Lord has given LIA in reference to 2017 is FRUITFULNESS. The Lord desires that we bear MUCH FRUT! This is so that we can continue to prove and testify that we are His! To this end, our role is to;

  • Let go of aspects and activities around us that do not bear much fruit
  • Prune what we are doing and position ourselves to bear more fruit
  • Stay in his presence – without him we can do nothing
  • Ask. Make our requests made known to him. He will fulfill them.
  • Bear the fruit. Accept the responsibility for much. Receive, nurture and steward this season of MUCH FRUIT well for the advancement of the kingdom.

As we embark on 2017 please pause, reflect on this and join us in prayer – may these words abide in us!

Updates for 2017:

The Year of 2017
This year marks a new season and a fresh start on existing foundations. The Lord has granted us vision for a 10 year strategic plan. As we roll-lout this plan for the new season of 2017, we will focus on the first 5 year strategic goals. Please join me in praying for favor and strength through the first year. Dedicate this new season at it’s beginning to the Lord. As a family, lets rededicate ourselves for His service in 2017.

Our Identity
We are a ministry that exists to mobilize and empower local churches to restore health, renew hope and inspire lasting transformation to the world’s most vulnerable families. Pray that in 2017 and beyond, our identity will stand and we will be true to the reason we exist in word and deed.

Our Model
Our proven Transformational Development Model has gained good reputation and its being referenced by many others. The model keeps the church in the center and exalts Christ through the church. We uphold local partnership and local ownership of initiatives that address root causes of poverty in sustainable ways. Pray that in the 5-year strategic plan, this model will guide our projects in every country and that we will have profound impact, bearing MUCH FRUIT!

In Christ,

The Life in Abundance Development Model
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