Join us as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Egypt.
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Pray requests from Egypt

Dear Mission,

Romans 8:35 – Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 

We are reminded of this promise from the Lord as we reflect on the challenges faced by our brothers and sisters in Egypt—witnessing two deadly attacks this past April and May targeting Christian’s worshiping on Palm Sunday and another group of Christians as they were visiting a monastery who refused to deny their faith. Pray that God would shield all Christians and have them rest in His Shadow.

Insecurity causes tourist industries to suffer for lack of tourists. Pray that the face of Egypt would change, hence attract tourists to the nation. June 30 was the memorial of the second public revolution that was for bread, freedom, social justice, and human dignity.  Yet, it is a month where the nation faces high unemployment rates, 40% inflation, 60% poverty rate including unremarkable health and educational services.  Pray for full restoration in the above areas.

Join us in praying for:

  1. Pray for new opportunities, doors to open, and wisdom to serve the people well.
  2. Pray that more honest workers for the harvest will be found who will be ready to do their Father’s will.
  3. Pray for new partnerships as they establish their community committees and design their transformational development intervention projects. 
  4. Pray for the existing partnerships as they look to establishing, expanding, and sustaining themselves.

Thank you for joining the LIA family
in praying for Egypt today.

In Christ,

Our Wholistic Transformational Development Model
Phase 3 – Training Center
What is Transformational Development?
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