Join us in praying for South Sudan as a nation!
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“So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”


Go Together for His Glory

Dear Mission,

 As we advance in the season of establishment, we are reminded of God’s standards for those who would serve him. Jesus was extremely bold and direct in defining what it means to be his disciple. We can follow him in the crowd and never show impact or we can stand out, with daily commitment, to make our saltiness known. Called to surrender all and seek Him in prayer, join us as we lift up our brothers in sisters in South Sudan this week:

1. Praise for the Nation: Give thanks for progress in the peace process in the country along with the recent cease fire agreement and plan to meet in February to resume talks of compromise.
2. Requests for the Nation: Pray for political willingness to resolve the conflict and bring peace to South Sudan. Pray specifically that the meeting in February about settling the conflict would yield fruits of peace and unity and that their agreement would reflect the interests of the common South Sudanese citizen and not merely the desires of those in power.
3. Praise for LIA-South Sudan: Praise God that we have been able to purchase and transport medicines to Rumbek and Maper last week, and that our health posts are functioning well.
4. Requests for LIA-South Sudan: We are expecting a visit from Flatirons Church in Colorado at the end of February. Let us pray for their safety as they travel from the US to South Sudan and back. Pray for God’s providence as they arrange this trip. Also pray that their time in South Sudan will be a fruitful time of blessing and learning from one another.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for South Sudan!

In Christ,

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