Join us in praying for LIA-US!
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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 4:6-7

Go Together for His Glory

Dear Mission,
As we go together this week in prayer, let us be reminded of the instructions Paul gave in his letter to the church of Philippi. There is nothing that we can do apart from the Lord’s power and grace. As we come to him daily in prayer, let us remember to thank Him for all that he gives to us in Christ. Give thanks as we pray over our LIA-US team this week:
  • Carley Buckingham | Executive Director
    • We have mapped out our LIA-US 2018 goals and plans.  Pray that, above all, the Father will “establish the work of our hands,” and  that by His grace and leadership, our individual plans will bring forth the “collective” plan He’s invited us into.
    • Scott and I will soon be welcoming our baby girl.  Over the past couple of weeks I have experienced some minor complications. Pray for 100% healthy baby girl and smooth delivery.
  • Jay Muindi | Advancement
    • One of our focuses this year is to do a better job of telling our stories of Impact so that people may partner with us because they completely believe in our mission and model. Kindly pray that we would continue to find new and wonderful ways to do so.
    • I have just returned back from a month-long trip in the US engaging partners. Thank the Lord with me for Pam and Ken Wilson who were kind enough to host me for a month and ask that He may bless them and continue to give them good health and youthful vigor as they continue to serve him.
  • Joy Peterson | Operations
    • I am preparing to cover any gaps in Carley’s position while she is on maternity leave. Please pray that I will have wisdom as I serve in this capacity as well as the ability to continue the requirements of my position.
    • Our oldest daughter, Alexa, is a Junior in High School and is in the beginning stages of preparing for college. Please pray that my husband and I will have discernment and wisdom to be able to lead her at this stage.
  • Yonaas Melesse | Grant Writing & Compliance
    • Please pray for God to diversify our partners (foundations, trusts, para-churches) and connect us with new partners as we continue doing our research.
    • Please pray for my wife Helen as she engages with her new professional job. God miraculously opened this door to her few months ago and she had successfully completed her probation time and received her official employment letter. Please pray for her success and the greater prospect to grow in the future.
  • Steven Walker | Communications
    • Please pray for the 2017 Annual Report as we communicate the fulfillment of the word we received from the Lord in 2017 that LIA is to Bear Much Fruit. Pray for the stories, financials, layout that it will be done with excellence.
    • Please pray for me as a husband and father to lead in humility and grace and that the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in my life.
  • Amy Walker | Church Partnership
    • Pray for continued depth with our church and para-church partners as we continue to engage in those relationships. Ask for strength and wisdom to uphold touch points with our partners and clearly communicate expectations.
    • Continue prayers for Steve and I as we continue to adjust to life with a baby. Ava is a joy and a blessing to us and was dedicated in church this last week. We praise God for her!
  • Jason Dilday | Engagement & Care
    • Please pray that as I continue to transition in LIA that I would be able to quickly and effectively develop strong healthy relationships with both the LIA International staff as well the various US based church, building on what Jordan established.
    • My wife, Susan and I have felt the Lord laying on our hearts that 2018 is going to be a year of change within our family. Her current job is quite in regards to work/family/life balance. Join us in asking of the Lord that He would provide an opportunity that allows this balance.
  • Sydney Becker | Communications Intern
    • Please pray for the communications team as a whole. Pray that we would continue to submit to the father for creativity, collaborate in humility, and write stories that continue to clarify our mission, vision, and model.
    • Please pray for depth in my time with the Lord and that I would not merely be content with skimming the surface of His Word.
Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for LIA-US!

In Christ,

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