There are some specific opportunities where you can be involved to minister to the children & families and meet needs in Lifeline’s ministry communities. Several are big, a few are easy, and some require your time. Could you assist with any of these?
It’s always exciting to see God connecting our children in Haiti, Honduras, and Navajo Nation with you – new sponsors in the US & Canada – through child sponsorship drives! Thank you for choosing to change a child’s life.
A special service was held to give the first appreciation certificates to our Haitian volunteers; they are working hard on the Grand Goave Christian Church construction! We’re still thanking our many Haitian volunteers!
The mission team “hit the ground running” and they are having a great time serving and ministering to the Haitian people. Pray for the team, their ministry, and their time away from loved ones and home.
Thank you! Most of the funds for the new church benches for the Grand Goave Christian Church (Haiti) have been donated by some churches and many ladies from the women’s team. The first of our new steel benches are being built by the Haitians in our Grand Goave welding shop.
As you may know, our middle school classrooms were completed last fall for our incoming 7th graders. The work is now continuing so the middle & high school building can be completed for the next school year.
Prayer requests
Please pray for wisdom and direction as we are looking to expand mission trip opportunities to existing and some of Lifeline’s newer fields.
There are many individuals, families, and ministries connected to Lifeline who need your prayers; visit to bring their needs before our God.