Dear Friend,
September was spectacular! We celebrated our 3rd annual Raise the Roost, where over 250 friends, family and partners gathered to hear KORE success stories of sustainable solutions to extreme poverty, testimonies, and the power ofHOPE found in chicken coops.   
The evening included entertainment from renowned comedian, Henry Cho, Nashville musical guest, The Ham Family Band, KORE Founder & CEO, Dr. Dennis Bratton, and KORE’s Director of Production, Christian Jean-Pierre,who flew in to share how KORE continues to make an impact throughout Haiti. 
Thank you to ALL who came and supported KORE for this incredible evening! Watch the video below to see a glimpse of HOPE in action!

We celebrated the launch of The Hope Fund at Raise the Roost! The Hope Fund bridges the gap for KORE farmers and their families, our team on the ground in Haiti, and the children we support in our 6.25 Feeding Program in unexpected times of need. 
Will you give to #TheHopeFund today so KORE can better serve the people of Haiti? 

The Hope Fund
Winter Break 2017 is almost here! Don’t forget to schedule your #KoreImpactTrip!
Email or go to for more information.

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