The bolded text is one of my favorite quotes on prayer, followed by my brief thoughts on the subject. Enjoy! We hope it will be thought provoking and helpful in some way.

“Those persons who know the deep peace of God, the unfathomable peace that passeth all understanding, are always men and women of much prayer.”  –R.A. Torrey

Do you know God? I mean REALLY know Him? The best way to truly know God is to be in His presence daily! How do you do that? By being before Him in prayer. If you honestly desire to grow in your intimacy with your Heavenly Father, the most effective way to do so is on your knees in conversation with Him!

2 Prayer Suggestions for Today

  1. Pray and ask God to reveal to you how to know Him and develop a close intimacy with Him.
  2. Ask God to show you what sin/sins you need to rightly deal with in order to draw closer to Him.

As explained in the last prayer blast, Facebook is a great way to get involved in KM’s prayer ministry efforts. We have prayer posts on our Facebook page, KontaktmissionUSA, from our missionaries on a daily basis. These prayer requests appear in real time and are extremely relevant to our missionaries on the field. Here are a couple of examples. Please be in prayer for them!

 1. Today’s prayer request comes to us from a KM missionary couple working in Aljaraque, Spain. “Everyone in our house church is a new convert. Several of them show an earnest concern for reaching others. We are continually looking into possibilities for meeting space. It would immensely relieve us as a family. Please pray for a couple or a team to work with us full time. Sometimes it is difficult to always be the leader and example. Pray that we will have endurance for our work, that the faithful will remain faithful and more will be added and become disciples of Jesus.”

2. This prayer request comes from a KM missionary team in Râşnov, Romania. “Please pray that God will touch and move the hearts of children and adults through: We had a tent camp June 10-11; father-child weekend June 17-20; youth camp June 26-July 5. Please pray for enough volunteer workers for the summer.”

Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA
clay(at)   (731) 217-1741

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