‘Cause Ya Gotta Have Faith, F-Faith, F-Faith- Part 2

‘Cause Ya Gotta Have Faith, F-Faith, F-Faith- Part 2

The less I pray, the harder it gets; the more I pray, the better it goes.

                                                                        -Martin Luther

I used to think the more I sinned the less I prayed. I’m beginning to realize now that the more I pray the less I sin. You see, the more I pray the more I see my sin for what it truly is because the Holy Spirit reveals it to me. It is here that Jesus meets my sin with a crushing blow and, as a result, I grow ever-closer to the heart of God Himself.

                                                            James 4:1-4; 1 John 3:22

How can somebody pray wrongly you might ask? I mean, isn’t every prayer great? One way is by praying selfishly and desiring to spend what you receive on your own passions. You do not have because you do not ask rightly, as James says. When we ask with wrong motives, we still exhibit a form of faithlessness that seeks to be in control of our plans, purposes, and pleasures. How does one ask rightly? By desiring the will of God and keeping His commands. Then ask and it will be given to you freely. When we ask in faith and with pure motives, then our souls are unburdened to soar at their God-intended heights. Unspeakable joy awaits, then, as we faithfully pursue this beautiful and intimate relationship with a Holy God who desires to give good gifts to His own.

Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA clay@GoKMUSA.org (731) 217-1741

Here are two recent prayer requests from KM missionaries.

Rocco and Karolin Panepinto, KM missionaries in Jena, Germany. “Handling the flood of refugees requires the help of many volunteers. Karolin has learned more Persian in order to facilitate the simultaneous translation of our worship services into Persian. Her translating services are requested by agencies, hospitals, doctors, etc., often several times per day. Please pray the Lord gives her strength for this work and that she will be a witness for Him.


Christian and Andrea Hartmann KM missionaries serving in Terlan. Italy. “Please pray for Andrea as she travels in Germany in January and February—that it will be a good time of refreshing and deepening relationships with those who support us. Pray that Christian, Rebekka and Benjamin will survive this time without her.”