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The man on the left is Jackson Ndecheck.  He is the one who invited me to go to Cameroon.  He is one amazing man.  I’ll tell you more about him later.  The other many is Raymond.  The second training was held at the congregation where he is serving.  He is over 120 pastors/ churches in his area of Cameroon.  He is one talented, committed and humble man.
They are planning on building a 3500 seat sanctuary.  He was beyond excitement with the training.  He said “I’ve been searching for this material for 21 years of my ministry.  This is like I have been crossing the Atlantic in a slow boat, working and laboring hard. Then half way across someone comes along and offers to take me the rest of the way in a jet.  That is what this material is doing to do to our future.”  
This was the first group we trained in Kribi.  Half of the folks were YWAM students doing their DTS of three months.  They were all very receptive.  It was such a blessing to have Joe Coquillard go with me and help with the trainings.  He was just super.  He is a pro at using IAAR.  
This picture is of the women who were at the training at Buea.
What an enthusiastic group of disciples of Jesus.
These are the men at Buea.  This is the location where Raymond is the preacher.  What an amazing group of men.
This is the last group that we trained in Yaounde.  This group had national Cameroon leaders from many different ministries.  They were just thrilled with IAAR and will help take it to their entire nation.  They committed to training tens of thousands in their country in IAAR and then move out beyond that.
We are planning on going back to Cameroon in January.  Jim Phillips will be able to go with me on this trip.  We anticipate hundreds more being trained. Here I am passing out a Certificate of Completion to all those who attended the training this time.     The Certificates are from
Hope International University. 
 The people are thrilled to get it .                 Thanks HIU.


To keep this going into the future is going to call for a lot more support.  If you, or your congregation or anyone else you know would like to help carry this into the future around the world please send support to:
Checks can be made out to and sent to:
Team Expansion
P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA 92021 

or you can give ONLINE at:
Fill our the form and be sure and place ‘John Hendee-Africa’ in the ‘Missionary/Project Name’
box at the bottom.

Thanks so much for your support to this global project for the Kingdom.