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Have you ever heard the question,
How do you eat an elephant?
And the answer is,

One bite at a time!

       So that brings us to the question,

“How on earth do we train 1,000,000 leaders               ihow to use and train in                  Relational Evangelism 
        using It’s All About Relationship?


The answer?
One person at a time.


Every time someone decides to learn how to use IAAR and actually uses it we add a person to the list.

Every time someone decides to become a trainer for the rest of their life, they end up adding those they train to the list.

Every time those trained become users and trainers the list grows.

So we are under way. Many are using IAAR and training others. Many are committed to it at some level.

Mike and Danell Bukta are doing it in Peru and Ecuador; they know it works.
Dr. Joe Grana has arranged for us to make it available as an online course at Hope International University.
Jim Phillips used it effectively in the U.S. and now is committed to training thousands of leaders in Africa and beyond.
Steve Edwards, preacher and church planter has used it and trained others for decades.
Joe Coquillard has used it successfully in 3 or 4 ministries.  He just went to Africa to help train hundreds and returned home to train more in his church now.
Bruce Logan took the course and since then has been promoting it in missions, prisons, colleges, ministries, churches. Etc.
Jim Weisert, an elder in one of our mega churches took it and has incorporated it into his life, and mission work in Africa.
Jackson Ndecheck has said it is Profoundly unique; He travels the world and wants to take the training all over.  He is the one who said he went from wanting to see  10,000 trained; then it grew to 100,000 and now it is 1,000,000.
Steve Holsinger is going to Africa with me to learn the current training format. He has been using it for many years in the congregation he served in. He has also made 100 overseas mission trips and is using it in Africa and will do so even more in the future.
Jon Vance took the course in January of 2017 and has trained 80 in his congregation in one year. He is speaking to other leaders and preachers about it now.
David Atkin, former missionary and now preacher in the U.S.  took course in January and trained 150 a few months later.
Dusty Elmore took the course online and then trained 50  in congregation.
Allen King is training people in his congregation in Washington.
I just had 22 Eritreans all over the U.S. take the online course.
And there are more.
The list is growing
There are pastors doing it in
Eritrea and soon to be
South Africa
And more
Jim Phillips trains leaders in Ukraine and Poland. 

Jackson wants to take it to
Cambodia, Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam and beyond.
                       Who will be next?


One person at a time.
Is there a fork in your hand?
Copyright © 2017 John Hendee, All rights reserved. 
You are getting this because you know John. 

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