Peace Week, Bridges, Conversations

Jill Shaw IN New Zealand

Intentional · Incarnational · Intercultural · In Community · In the World · Influential

Recovering from pneumonia slowed me down through preparation for Peace Week on campus at Massey University in September, but with cooperation from many, we had a super year! So much so that we have a creative team from across the campus working toward next year’s event! 

Our focus was the plight and injustice of refugees illustrated by lifejackets in random places on campus. Human traffickers don’t supply life jackets as they cram more people than is safe into each boat, often extorting more money before they allow all members of a family to board.
Shore Community Church hired a new associate minister, but lost a good elder because of a transfer to Australia. We had two good quiet retreats this year with much good feedback.
The church has started an outreach to the homeless in the city, partially facilitated by the van purchased by a few generous donors. Over 40 backpacks full of goods will be distributed for Christmas. 
Much of my work involves cups of tea and one-on-one conversations. I have few photos of those, and the ones I do have are not gripping. Likewise with my mentoring of young missionaries. Much fruit, but few photos!

Work with refugee youth and university students continues with lots of laughs, bridge building and learning. Many of the youth are from Somalia, Congo, Eritrea, and Pakistan.
Bridges don’t fall from the sky, people build them, and it’s best if they’re built ahead of time.  I’m off to Bangkok in early December to develop networks for the Asia-Pacific region to facilitate alternatives to violence related to religious diversity. Just as I learned during the famine in Zimbabwe in ’91, it’s easier to work through crisis when relationships and trust are already strong. 
Pray for me as I seek points of conversation and connection so as to speak of Jesus in diverse situations. 
“Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.”  1 Corinthians 9:22-23 NLT

Human traffickers don’t supply life jackets to refugees. Think of the level of fear in those boats.
Dedication of Peace Poles in five languages on MASSEY University campus in September.
Richie doesn’t like to be left out of Bible study.
Irena was a refugee from Hungary, and now supports university students in their studies.
Stephanie is employed by Refugees as Survivors and facilitates youth development.
Fatima is from Pakistan and hopes to be an accountant. I bridge the volunteer services with the university student support services, working across several universities via my chaplaincy networks,
One of our worship bands enjoying worship. We rotate between a few different teams rather than have one leader and one sound.
The Tagaloa family helps us worship.
Shore Community Church has one of the largest baptisteries in the world!
Richie is an asset all the time, but especially during Peace Week.
My office flooded again this winter. It’s all not repaired and usable. 
Using the van as our base; serving in the city in the rain brings joy to all concerned.
The van has been in use delivering supplies to the homeless in Auckland City, on a few road trips, and will be at several music festivals in January and February.
Chaplains use a mown labyrinth for a prayer walk at our conference as we refresh after a full and tiring year.
Worship for Shore Community Church takes place in a junior high school gym.
Shore Community Church quiet retreats include variety for each of the learning styles.
Isn’t it reasonable that individuals will be unique in how they engage with God in prayer?
Oh so very grateful for the prayer and financial partnership of churches and individuals in 2016.
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serves with Shore Community Church in Auckland,

encourages and supports church planting teams,
connects with the local community through incarnational ministry,
is a chaplain at Massey University,
oversees Refuge House & supports refugees in resettlement,
consults in discipleship, diversity management and inter-cultural communications,
Jill mentors present and future ministry leaders on a few continents.
“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Col 1:28-29
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Jill is now affliated with The Ark Christian Ministries in Converse, IN.

If you would like to DONATE and financially partner with Jill’s ministry in New Zealand please consider the online donation link above or send checks payable to The Ark Christian Ministries to:
P.O. Box 43581, Louisville, KY  40253


~ If you ever have any questions about ministry, expenditures, the contents of the newsletters, financial reporting, please contact us. Our books are open. There’s a paper trail of receipts for every expense, so we can explain our decisions to you, our partners in this outreach. Accountability and confidence is important.
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