Our whirlwind trip to the US has been full and pleasant, but is quickly coming to a close. Tuesday morning we head to the airport. Traveling from Atlanta through Seoul, Singapore and Jakarta, we should be in Ambon by Friday.
We are grateful for good medical reports, a productive meeting with our directors, good time with family, and touching base with many friends and partners.
We are eager to get back into things in Ambon. We will be closing a deal on a lot upon which the Ambon Ministry Center will be built. This is center shall be called the Sizemore Center in honor of Professor Denver and Mrs. Helen Sizemore. We are grateful for the inspiration and encouragement they have given to our lives and ministries. Their friendship with and partnership in our ministry was a special gift.
We will be letting you know more about this as the campaign plans come together.
Please pray for our team as we endeavor to destroy walls and build bridges of understanding and acceptance to facilitate clear communication of God’s love.
Until all Clearly Hear,
We invite you to scrutinize the Java Evangelism Statement of Faith, CLICK HERE |