Sheffler Update
June 1017


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Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters

Mexico Christian University

     Connie and I will be in Queretaro, Mexico from June 19 through 26. We will participate in the graduation service of Mexico Christian University on Saturday, June 24. This is the first graduation service since it’s reorganization as a University.

     Connie and I will visit with students and with churches in the area who are training their leaders though the extension program of the University. The University, under the leadership of Jaime Castro, has translated all of our TEE courses into Spanish. The University has 750 extension students in classes throughout Mexico and the USA using our extension courses. The extension courses as well as the BA and Master’s degree classes are accredited through Hope International – formally Pacific Christian College. 

NIGERIA Nursery School Project:

     The $19,500 designated for this project has been utilized and we are waiting for further donations to enable the completion of the project. It has been decided to expand the project to also include rooms for the Cross River Christian College on a second floor. These rooms will be constructed above the classrooms for the nursery school. A concrete floor is being poured as the ceiling of the nursery school classrooms to prepare for the second floor of the structure.



1. Thank God for the work of Mexico Christian University.

2. Thank God for progress on the nursery School in Nigeria.

3. Pray for the successful graduation services at Mexico Christian University on June 24.

4. Pray for a blessed visit of Bob and Connie in Queretaro, Mexico.

5. Pray for funds to finish construction of the Nursery School in Nigeria.

6. Pray for Pearl Ready, Connie’s mother and former Forwarding Agent for the mission. She moved to assisted living. She has lost ability to stand and walk. She recently broken a bone in her upper right leg (femur) due to a fall.

7. Pray for Christians who are being persecuted around the world because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
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