      On this trip to Africa in January we trained 263 leaders in three cities in how to use IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIP. These people are smart, committed, willing to sacrifice and they get it.  They said “THANKS for coming and training us in this.  NO ONE has given us training like this before.”  We are already seeing the fruit from it.  
     At the end of my time there, Jim Phillips who took me there, told me he had a goal to train 4000 leaders in It’s All About Relationship over the next 5 years. He asked me if I would help him do that.  
     I immediately could think of all the reasons why not; age, have to raise a lot of new support, traveling two times a year there.  Etc.  But I talked to Carla and we decided that if God will help with life issues, we must say YES.  As one friend said of this, “John, this is like the cherry on your life mission.”  So, Lord willing I’ll be taking this on for the next five years.  I’ll be praying for and looking for a lot of support.  
      We need $111,000 a year for 5 years to do this.  Three fifths of that is to pay for scholarships for leaders to attend the training (transportation, housing, food, materials).  This is a major investment in TRAINING National Leaders in effective personal evangelism. It makes so much sense.  It is so logical.
      Start praying folks.  Lot’s more to come.
We will carry this out as our work with Team Expansion and I’ll continue my work as Chair of World Evangelism with Hope International University.  How much more WORLD can you get than this?  I also will be doing some training in other countries.
Start praying please.  
For the KING,
John and Carla

Copyright © 2016 John Hendee, All rights reserved.