OUR GOAL: 4000 LEADERS TRAINED IN USE OF IAAR OVER THE NEXT 5 YEARS. That is the ambitious goal I’ve committed to help
Jim Phillips and Live Your Mission achieve.
Our next trip is in January of 2017, and Lord willing we return in June. The plan is to go 2-3 times a year to Africa for 2 week trips for the coming 5 years.  On each trip we go to three different major areas or cities to do the 2 ½ day training. We will also be training some of the leaders there to do the training so they can expand out all over their area, county and all of Africa.


Each of the small pictures above is one of the groups we trained last January.  There were about 100 in that group.

                              THEY WANT AND NEED THIS TRAINING.
They have said they have never gotten anything like this and they can and do use it  And it is already producing great results.  This great venture can’t be  fulfilled without help.

We need about $110,000 a year to carry this out.
If you can help, or your group or church can, send support to 

Team Expansion
P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA   92021

All gifts are tax deductible.
I give regular reports on what is happening.
We are praying.
We are preparing.
We are looking for those who will join us and help make this possible.
It will result in hundreds and thousands coming to know Jesus. 
The benefits of training Nationals in this are huge.
They know their culture.
They know the languages.
They aren’t ‘outsiders’. 
They can become trainers of others all over Africa.
They aren’t ‘going home’ in 4 or 5 years.
They are passionate about evangelism.
They just DO it and they are willing to sacrifice to get it done.
They can go the the unreached people groups on their continent.

Who can you share this with:  Family, friends, church, ???
Below is a brochure telling more of the story