IDES is Hiring!
Volunteer Coordinator (Full-Time)
IDES is currently searching for a Full-Time Volunteer Coordinator. The responsibilities of this position include recruiting volunteers for various service opportunities, scheduling volunteer events throughout the year, and working hand-in-hand with volunteer groups at our Noblesville, IN Headquarters.
Please click the following link to find out how to apply:
Recent Posts
Sept. 19 – 4 Ways to Pursue Unity in the Church – Devotional
A lack of unity has led to hurting people within the Church, shunning people outside the Church, and a noticeable lack of missional motivation among Christians. How can we pursue unity in the Church?
Find out more in this week’s Devotional blog by clicking the graphic.
Sept. 15 – How Love Goes Deeper than Disease: India- Project Story
Contrary to popular belief, leprosy still exists. It is a devastating disease that forces those who suffer from it to live in destitute colonies and to be labeled as unclean outsiders. 
Find out how IDES is putting your generous support to work to help lepers in India, just click the photo above.
Sept. 12 – Remember, Refocus, Rejoice – Devotional

On 9/11/2001, the world was forever changed. Click the graphic to read more of this encouraging devotional, reflecting on the 9/11 attack and how to move forward as Christ-followers.

It’s that time of year again! Come to a HOT event this fall.

The Autumn season is upon us, and you know what that means…Harvest of Talents events! There will be 6 churches across the U.S. hosting HOT events to raise money for feeding programs to fight world hunger. Click the graphic to find out when and where.

Sept. 8 – Not to Be Forgotten: Afghanistan – Project Story
As we see more and more violence and cruelty reported on the news, it’s easy to become numb and desensitized. But, we must not forget about our call to love and serve the poor. Find out how IDES’ partners are sharing the love of Jesus with refugee families in Afghanistan, just click the picture to read more.
Thrivent Members Can Now Recommend a Grant to IDES
If you are an eligible member of Thrivent Financial you can choose IDES as a recipient for your Thrivent Choice Dollars.  On the Thrivent Choice website (, enter IDES in the participating charities search box, then follow the prompts to select IDES as a recipient for your Choice Dollars.
If you are uncertain about your eligibility, or are not familiar with the grant program, your local Thrivent Financial representative can answer your questions and help you navigate the process.

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IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061