Hunger Still Exists
There are around 795 million people in the world who will go to bed hungry tonight. That’s an estimated 1 in every 9 persons. The fight exists on two battlefronts:  Hunger and Malnutrition.  Some do not have any food, while others do not have nutritious food. Why is this still true on our planet?
This week and next, we will spend some time exploring this massive issue and how you can personally make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling to secure their next meal. If you feel led, you can start striking back against hunger and malnutrition right now through the IDES Gift Catalog! Below is a link to the Hunger Relief Items page on the website.
Monday, March 14th
So, Christian, are you taking it? Are you daily drinking of this deep fountain of wisdom and life? Is His Word saturating your mind and body to the depths of your soul with all measures of grace, flowing from the very heart of God? This week’s Staff Devotional focuses on the miraculous gift of Scripture, and why you should dive into it.
Wednesday, March 16th
This week’s Project Story is the first installment in a two-week series of reports from our partners on the mission field who are fighting hunger and malnutrition one meal at a time. Our partners in Haiti recently received a shipment of nutritious GAP Meals, hand-packed and fundraised by IDES volunteers. Check our News blog on the website this Wednesday to find out the impact that has been made since the shipment arrived.

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IDES / / 317-773-4111 /
IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061