If you have ever volunteered with IDES, we just wanted to say…

We sincerely appreciate your desire to serve alongside of us. It is thanks to
you that IDES is able to reach far and wide in Kingdom Work. Your sacrifice, generosity, hard work, and enthusiasm in serving our Lord are making an eternal difference for those who are suffering physically and spiritually around the world. With all of our hearts, we wish you a happy National Volunteer Week!

-your friends at IDES
Coming Up This Week
Mon, April 11th – Devotional
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we wanted to dedicate this week’s Monday Devotional to our incredible volunteers! Your service means the world to us, and you are impacting the lives of those in need. To show our love, we as a staff made you a brand new video!
Click the graphic to read more and see the new video!
Wed, April 6th – Project Story
We are gearing up for our next major shipment of GAP meals. This week’s Project Story will focus on how vital our volunteers are to the GAP Food-Packing Program, and the amazing impact you can make through nutritious food.
Check the News blog this coming Wednesday!

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IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061