In 1973, International Disaster Emergency Service was just a dream with a name.
Now 45 years later, IDES is a worldwide partnership of volunteers, supporters, local churches, and mission workers that is thousands strong. 
This year, 2018, we are humbled and excited to celebrate our 45th anniversary as a ministry. Thanks to your partnership with us throughout the past four and a half decades, the mission of IDES has impacted millions of lives with physical help and spiritual hope in the name of Jesus Christ.
In other words, YOU have helped IDES accomplish:
  • 45 years of sharing the Gospel with those who don’t know Jesus yet.
  • 45 years of providing emergency food, water, shelter, clothing, blankets, tools, rebuilding materials, supplies, and necessities to families suffering due to natural and man-caused disasters.
  • 45 years of both long-term and short-term nutritional relief for hungry people who didn’t know where their next meal would come from. 
  • 45 years of developing sustainable solutions like clean-water wells, livestock, farms, and income-generating programs to help communities lift themselves out of poverty.
  • 45 years of caring for those who are sick, injured, or need life-changing medical attention.
In order to celebrate this year, we will be featuring a variety of videos, articles, and special events sharing the legacy of IDES. We pray that you will join us in this celebration, because it is truly a celebration of how God has used all of you!
We praise God for you, and for all of those who have partnered with IDES in the past 45 years to accomplish these tremendous works for the Kingdom.
May God receive all the glory! 

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You’re Doing through IDES