Free Housing for Missionaries!

Attention foreign field missionaries!! This is for you!

We are still taking reservations for foreign field missionaries attending ICOM to stay at the Hampton Inn in Winchester. You must be in the field at least 10 months out of the year to qualify. 

Have you made your reservation yet?!  Contact Emily or Kelsey to get started!

The Rise Project is a new grant fund that was created under the leadership of ICOM’s 2016 President, Mike Schrage. It is intended to “mobilize” any church, mission or campus ministry to reach out in some way to meet the need of a refugee or international student in their community or campus.

Click on the picture to see a description from Mike about The RISE Project and videos from experts in the field!

We only have 87 exhibit spaces left for 2016! Register for your booth today!
Current 2016 Exhibitors: Have you registered your booth staffers?? Use your confirmation email to find the login instructions to add your staffers. We want all exhibitors to get printed name badges – so be sure to get your names registered before October!

Email Emily with any exhibit questions!

We have 4 stops on ICOM’s Reset 2 Tour in 2016. We are excited to travel with Dann Spader in hopes of spreading how the Church can start making disciples like Jesus did! 

Join us in Springfield, IL, Joplin, MO, Omaha/Council Bluffs, IA or Boise, ID!  Lunch & Dann’s book ‘4 Chair Discipling’ are both included in the cost of only $25.

Click on the picture to see more details! Registration is now open for Reset in all 4 cities!

Want to know what’s happening in the realm of global missions? If so – this is the event for you! We are excited to be in Anaheim preceding the NACC for a “Night of Missions”! 

Join us for a main session Monday night and a devotion and two breakout sessions on Tuesday! Registration is open and only $10!

Don’t forget to register for the NACC, too!
We hope to see you July 11th – 12th in Anaheim, CA!
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