ICOM Hires Student Director


ICOM is pleased to announce Teddy Haubner as our new student director!  Teddy will be joining the ICOM staff on March 1st from his current home in Richmond, VA.  Once school is over for the summer, the Haubner family will be moving to Indiana to work out of the ICOM office.  Teddy has been in youth ministry since 2001.  He was born in Brazil and is the youngest son of Earl & Ruth Anne Haubner, of Central Brazil Mission.  We welcome Teddy, his wife Jeri Rae and their children to our team.


Missionary Meals Name Change

          Our lunch activity on Fridays and Saturdays will now be called “Lunch with Missionaries”.  The former name gave the impression that this meal function may have been only for missionaries.  That is far from the truth.  Lunch with Missionaries is a meal that hosts five 7-minute missionary talks: a veteran missionary, a missionary kid, a new recruit to missions, a stateside missionary and a national missionary (someone from a foreign country).  

          These meals must be purchased before ICOM begins because the caterers must have a final head count in order to prepare enough meals.  Menus are still being finalized and will be open for purchase in April when ICOM registration opens.

ICOM Needs “Lunch with Missionaries” Speakers

          As stated above, we are in need of five different missionary speakers for Friday & Saturday.  We need a speaker for each of these categories: a veteran missionary, national/foreign missionary, a missionary kid, a missionary recruit, and a stateside missionary.

         A free meal is provided to the speaker only.  Speakers will be chosen based on those who have not spoken in several years.   Please write to david@theicom.org if you are interested in this opportunity. 

Looking forward to sharing more with you soon!  – The ICOM Staff
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