Is There Room For One More
Around Your Christmas Tree?

It can be a challenge to find the perfect Christmas gift.
But the joy of connecting the right gift with the right recipient makes it all worthwhile.
As you draft this year’s list, please consider a gift that will bless someone who is striving to create a better future for themselves and their family.
IDES’ gift catalog contains 40 items that are guaranteed to bring joy and gratitude to a precious child of God somewhere in the developing world.
Here is a sampling of the gifts available. To see IDES’ complete list and place your donation, click the button below.

Bible – $20
Give a personal copy of God’s Word in one’s own heart language.

Birthing and Infant Care Supplies – $35
Take care of young mothers and their babies.

Chicken – $8
Bless a family with animals that produce both food and sustainable income.

Clean Water Well – $2500 (or portions for $250, $25)
Ensure that a developing community has access to this vital necessity.

Family Portion of Staple Foods – $25
Assist a hungry family by providing nutritious food.

Refugee Care Package – $100 (or portion for $25)
Help displaced families recover basic necessities like food, water, and clothes.

Thank you for sharing the blessing of Christ’s love and hope!
Want to see more? Check out this story about the impact that a gift from IDES’ Gift Catalog can make: