Check out the latest news from Myanmar Hope Christian Mission!
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Hello Again!It’s October and in the Pacific northwest the trees are really starting to show off their lovely fall colors. I hope it’s beautiful where you live, too! 

A lot has happened in Myanmar since our last newsletter, so we’ll try to get you updated as much as we can with this latest edition. The progress has been amazing on the New Pathway Home for the elderly in Tamu. The East/West Garden continues to grow, to provide jobs for the local people, and to serve as a great testimony of the many ways in which God’s people work together across time zones, continents, and oceans to further His work.

In addition to all that, new churches have been constructed, wells have been completed, families are being helped, and children are being educated. God is so good! And it all happens because you are so generous and have so much love for Him and His people.  

Read all the news by clicking through this link to download the fall edition of our newsletter:

As always, feel free to send us your thoughts and any special prayer requests you may have. The students and staff at Hope Boarding School have prayer time every evening, and they love to pray for our friends and supporters.

Charles Cherry Signature
Charles R. Cherry, Director
Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc.
1104 206th ST E, Spanaway, WA 98387-1858
Phone: 217-415-9187

P.S. There are a lot more pictures, and also videos, that we could not include in the newsletter. You can see them at our public Facebook page! Click here to go right to our photo and video albums. (If you don’t have a Facebook, account that’s OK, because no account is needed to view the page.)