We partner with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. 
 Together, we can do something for Haiti that will last!
HCO is building generations of new believers through 
Church Planting, Children, Health Care, and Community Development. 

Give Health, Give Hope!

Health care in Haiti continues to be a tremendous need. During the month of March, we are focusing on this need as a mission and encouraging those who love HCO to consider becoming a Give Health Sponsor! And, we will be sharing stories of hope delivered by our sponsors and our excellent health care team on our blog and Facebook page this month. Learn more photos on our blog: March is Give Health Month!

Give Life: Sabrina’s Story

During the last week of week of February, Sabrina came to Peredo Community Hospital. She is about 8 months pregnant and was having some pain indicative of a urinary tract infection. We soon found out that Sabrina is the daughter of our beloved Pastor Noe who just went heaven on February 4. She has been living with her mother in Gonaives, but was in the Peredo area for her dad’s funeral. Dr. Alexandre was able to do an ultrasound and… Read more!


Blog Stories

Visit our blog to sign up for an RSS feed, direct email updates, or check out our stories below!

2015 Annual Report 
Join us in looking back at all God did in 2015 and looking ahead to our 2016 goals! Includes a downloadable PDF.

Help us keep our records updated
With the new “chip” technology and regular debit or credit card updates, you can help us avoid extra fees and keep our records current by providing your new information!

Monthly Prayer Points
We are including our monthly Prayer Points content via this link that will now be available through our eStories. This will help us communicate prayer needs earlier each month and reduce an email in your inbox. We hope you will continue praying with us and sharing our prayer needs with your churches and mission teams: March 2016 Prayer Points

Haitian Christian Outreach | 217.778.6950 | Email | Website

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Haitian Christian Outreach, PO Box 1052, Mahomet, IL 61853