Thanks, Rhoda!

How many times have you seen God bless your efforts after you stepped out in faith? Rhoda saw this happen in the Philippines recently. She felt apprehensive to share her testimony on the Say It Forward devotional series, but the Lord used her to make an eternal difference for someone else.


Venture in Faith Podcast: Bob Wieland

Bob was a baseball player who was drafted and sent to the Vietnam war in 1969. He lost his legs when he rushed to help a fallen soldier and stepped on a mortar. After recovering, Bob walked across America on his hands to raise awareness of world hunger. He believes God saved him to have a ministry of helping others through their tragedies.  LISTEN NOW!

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Sharing Our Passion

You know how valuable God’s Word is. It’s living and active. Your partnership with GNPI and the popular YouVersion Bible App is helping people all over the world find biblical content in their own languages. The discipleship plans we have created together have more than 75,000 subscribers …

A Tale of Two Cities

Mike Schrage

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, is the second most widely distributed single volume book ever. In the novel, Dickens compares two cities, London and Paris.  Let me compare for you two very different cities in India …   READ MORE

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