“Around The Network” – Building Stronger Marriages


Sometimes it’s hard to know how to help suffering people around the world. Building better relationships can strengthen couples, families, churches, and communities. That’s why GNPI teams are trying to respond to basic, everyday needs with practical media for their own cultures. Take a look at the newest resources in production in Mexico, Kenya, Uganda, and India … READ MORE

Venture in Faith Podcast: Eugene Morse


Whether trekking through the jungles of Central Asia, living in primitive conditions, facing starvation, or suffering imprisonment, the Morse family has maintained a strong trust in God to guide them. Eugene remembers some of the ways the Lord worked through his parents.





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You are invited to join us for exciting updates about the explosion of the underground church in China, a new day for Christians in India, and the powerful way God’s Spirit is moving among Muslims worldwide!


A New India

Mike Schrage


You can see similar sites in many cities in India. Along the sides of its busy streets, you find skinny dogs scrounging in the garbage, boisterous cows with broken horns owning the roads, and the constant barrage of tooting horns … READ MORE

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