Seeds of Faith

Gayle Silkwood, Office Manager of GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand


As with the sower in Jesus’ parable, those of us who create media materials have an opportunity to spread seeds of faith. In Thailand, we do this with the Internet, on mobile devices, and anywhere media can be taken. We hope that in sowing our inspirational programs some will fall on good soil (those who are ready to hear)… READ MORE

Summer 2017 Update from Santiago, Chile


Project Nomad teammates Habacuc and Felipe provide an inside look at their productions and goals. The main objective of Project Nomad-Santiago, Chile, is to produce audio visual content that’s relevant and helps the local church to share the Gospel.


Interact with Us

Mike Schrage


I would like to introduce a fun new way to interact with our ministry. The following page shows some of the technology Christian workers have used through the years in sharing the Gospel. It combines new media tools with older ones to create an augmented reality.  READ MORE

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