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Impressive Response

Stephen Muturi, Operations Manager of GNPI-Mbale, Uganda
We had an opportunity to visit a local school for the two last days of July. A pastor and Christian ministry student at LivingStone International University (LIU) invited us. He is also a high school teacher involved in one of the biggest Christian Union fellowships in Mbale. For two days we showed Tough ChoicesPromise of Love, and Unshackled, which are videos about drugs, peer pressure, and sexual purity. The response was impressive…  READ MORE

Fall 2016 Prayer Report


Join us as we praise God for our ministry partners and for His answers to our prayers season after season. “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”— Psalm 62:8 (NIV)


More Like Him

Mike Schrage


Listening to today’s political chatter, studying the lessons of history, and considering the world’s religions all point to the truth in this statement. Pharaoh, Herod, Nero, and Hitler all wanted to be more than just a man…



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