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Time to Reflect

Nenette Pacoli, Regional Director of GNPI-Manila, Philippines
The chairman of our board, Pastor Efren Nola, called me recently and said, “I feel like I’ve just been touched by the Lord to share about the ministry of GNPI.” I wanted to set it aside for a little while because I had a few meetings lined up. As a result I had no peace, so I immediately scheduled a time to record his testimony.  READ MORE

From a Drug Addict to a Christian Teacher


Our ministry partners at GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand, have released a new testimony about a life transformed by the love of Christ. A Thai man shares how God gave him hope, value, and help in overcoming a drug addiction. He encourages others saying, “Believe me! God can change your life if you will accept Him and submit to Him.”


40 Days of Prayer

Mike Schrage


Max Lucado said, “When we work, we work, but when we pray, God works.” Would you join us in asking God to work in mighty ways over the next 40 days? To guide with this request, I invite you to download our “40 Days of Prayer to Celebrate our 40th Anniversary” calendar…



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