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Meet Anay


GNPI wants all people, like Anay and his family, to hear and respond to the Good News. GNPI equips Christian workers in India with culturally relevant materials and tools to help spread the Gospel in places where there is a great need, but it’s not just India. Our vast global network is committed to accelerating evangelism through media and technology…  READ MORE

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From Angry Outbursts to Joyful Chords

Gayle Silkwood of GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand


In our newest Changed program, Akkarin Puri shares how his sister’s steady influence and God’s love has transformed him from an angry prisoner to a joyful guitar maker. Akkarin says as a teen he was in and out of detention centers where he developed even more bad habits and a drug addiction, then he went to prison. Akkarin’s sister…


An Honor

Mike Schrage


As the president of this year’s International Conference On Missions (ICOM), I’ve had the privilege of visiting many Bible colleges during the past two months. It is encouraging to meet so many students who are preparing to serve Christ on the mission field. It has also been a blessing, everywhere I go…


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