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The need for spiritual breakthrough compels GNPI. We pray that the teams, training, and tools going out from our network will help believers to share their faith effectively with others, so the Good News can break through hardened hearts with His powerful love. With the benefits of media and technology on the side of passionate believers, many barriers that hinder our evangelism efforts are shattered…  READ MORE

Say It Forward Turns One

Nenette Pacoli, Regional Director of GNPI-Manila, Philippines


Our team launched this practical series a year ago. The videos average six to eight minutes and are presented in a Christian TED Talk format. We have been pleased with the variety of programs and responses. To date, we have completed 68 episodes from 10 speakers. One episode was shared 95 times, and we think this high number could be due to the topic that was discussed…


GNPI Breakthroughs

Mike Schrage


Our ministry partners have built a network of production partners armed with a passion to accelerate global evangelism through media and technology. Four years ago, key GNPI leaders met in Manila and asked God to open doors for GNPI into Central and South America and China. We asked God for breakthroughs…


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