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Striving to Contribute

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


This is the latest promotional video about the work of our team. We endeavor to address the needs of our communities by sharing God’s Word through media. Our team is one part of a worldwide network with eight regional centers. Our goal is to produce content for different cultures in different languages to prompt positive change in the rural and urban areas around us… READ MORE

More News From GNPI…


• Good Evening
• Spring 2017 Newsletter

• Click here to see all the blogs

Save the Date

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


I look forward to seeing you at Vision Night 2017. The Lord has given us some major breakthroughs, and I can’t wait to share the news. You can register here or on The GNPI App.


An Invitation

Mike Schrage


I’d like to extend my personal invitation for Vision Night 2017 to you. It will be a blessing to hear from our special guest, Isaac Masiga from GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya. Please join us at the venue that is the most convenient for you. You can register…


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