A Changed Identity

Gayle Silkwood, Office Manager of GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand


Amp was abandoned by her parents at a young age. She became quiet and withdrawn with only a few friends. She grew up feeling unloved and unneeded. Watch the following testimony to see how Jesus changed her life… READ MORE

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Two Levels of Communication

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


The following video is a good representation of the work the Nairobi office is doing on a personal and community level. We are excited about the growing opportunities we have to share biblical principles in various ways in homes, schools, churches, and at community events. Thank you for your valuable partnership!


Reflections on Prayer

Mike Schrage


I visited Korntal, Germany, recently. This group of people prayed more effectively than most and sent more missionaries per capita than most. They knew how to ask! They proved through a century of practice that prayer…



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