Update from Pachuca, Mexico


Project Nomad teammates Caren, Rogelio, and Carlos provide an inside look at their productions and goals. One of the things that motivates them to create multimedia tools is the fact that they can reach so many people… READ MORE

Lasting Impressions

Gayle Silkwood, Office Manager of GNPI-Chiang Mai, Thailand


The Lord is using our programs to make lasting impressions! Local believers share about two of their favorite Thai programs,Changed and Movement Everywhere. Both programs tell real-life stories of people whose experiences with God have made an impact on their own lives and the lives of others around them. Two believers explain how God strengthened their faith and moved them to pray for others as they watched the programs…


Soul Food

Mike Schrage


“I am against suffering; especially eternal suffering.” – John Piper. We remind ourselves of this quote often. It is so important to the work we do at GNPI, and it was the reason Jesus came to earth. He knew what people really needed, so He chose His priorities carefully and carried out His ministry…



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