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Happy New Year

TP, Regional Director of GNPI-SE Asia
The Christmas season provided many wonderful opportunities to share about Jesus who came to the world to save His people. We distributed many MP3 recordings, booklets, and DVDs to unbelievers. Christmas is the best time to share the Gospel in SE Asia. It is almost impossible to preach openly during the rest of the year in suburb areas. Everyone in the region knows that December is a month of celebration for Christians.  READ MORE

A Joyful Update from Chile

Habacuc Diaz, Team Leader of Project Nomad-Chile

We are thankful for our many reasons to praise the Lord. This is one of our newest videos about how we share the Gospel with inner city youth in Santiago and train them to make disciples…



A Man Transformed

by the Good News

Mike Schrage


Dennis Okoth has a story to tell. He accepted Christ as a young adult and survived after his own parents poisoned him for following Christ. Today he works as a missionary in Uganda. He is a thrilling illustration of a man transformed by the Good News…  READ MORE

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