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Prayer Walk


FMSC Food Program


Donation of Embroidry sewing machine to Enestina


Tid Bits






 We thank God for safe travel for Raphael Gunu and Ernest Nyador to the U.S.A for a conference in Savannah, Georgia from February 1-8.


 We thank God for safe travel for Dr. Allen Reesor of Metrix Research International, Hollywood, Florida, U.S.A as he visited Ghana from February 14-24 to continue research on the impact of the nutritious FMSC rice on school children.


 We thank God for safety of field staff as we travel to churches, schools and clinics.


 We thank God for over 304 children now receiving Christ-filled quality education at Faithway Christian Academy from kindergarten to 9th grade.


Petitions and Intercessions:


 Prayer for nurses and other medical and non-medical staff who continue to serve in our 7 clinics to give compassionate care to the sick in the name of our Lord. 


 Prayer for 26 church planters and their wives for strong marriages and ministries.  


 Prayer for our donors and prayer partners in both the U.S.A and Ghana. 


 Prayer for GHO as they begin planning the 2016 free medical outreach in Ghana. Dates set are July 22 to August 1, 2016. There will be a Unity and Praise Festival on July 24 at Avegagorme followed by 3 days medical outreach in that community and another 3 days in the Adornorkope Community, near Big Ada.


 Prayer for continuing partnership with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) to provide fortified rice and soy meals to children in rural communities in Ghana to supplement nutritional needs and an accompanying research to determine long-term sustainable ways of improving nutrition among the children. May the Lord provide more funds for us to ship more donated nutritious rice to the rural children of Ghana.


 Prayer for ongoing furnishing, plumbing and electrical works on additional classrooms at the Faithway Christian Academy. 


 Prayer for more souls to be won and discipled in the year. 


 Prayer for more funds to help with the education of the children of the missionaries on the field. 

Prayer for Ernest Yeboah, Member Care coordinator of GCM as he is recovering from a stroke.


Special Needs
1. Bismark Kassata has started a radio ministry at Beyond FM at Nkwanta and needs both prayer and finacial support of $111 a month. Recently a seasoned voodo priest got converted after listening to the radio Gospel message.


2. Francis Addae needs help to purchase roofing sheets for 3 churches which currently meet under trees for worship. $400 is needed per church making a total of $1200 with the churches providing the wood and labor for roofing.


3. Joseph Haruna needs a strong jungle motorcycle for outreach to the villages near Salaga at a cost of $3000.


Dear friends,


Greetings from Lydia, our children and all the Ghana Christian


Mission team. We thank God for his daily guidance and

protection, and we also thank you our partners for your faithful


prayer, financial and moral support. Without God and without

you, we could not get the needed spiritual and financial


resources to remain in field service. As we look back on

February and look forward to March, the last week in which we


will remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord, we

are filled with gratitude for the abundant goodness of God to us


as individuals, families and as a team. By faith we press on in

service to God and mankind. Continue to stand by us as you


read these highlights of the ministry in the past few weeks.     To Him be all the Glory. 







Much prayer mobilization continues in preparation for the Global


Health Outreach and the Unity Praise Festival of the Agave 


people from July 22-August 2 this year. On February 5, 132 men


and women did a 4 hour prayer walk through 10 villages in the


Dzetorkoe area where the team will be serving. “Jesus started 


his ministry with prayer and ended with prayer. Prayer is the 


Master Key”.







We thank God for the ongoing partnership between us and Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in feeding children in some rural 


areas of Ghana including four schools in Obanda and Borae areas. A few weeks ago, Mr. Frank Alloteh, a staff of FMSC in 


Libertyville, Illinois in the U.S.A, who is a Ghanaian, visited the feeding site at Obanda to see at first hand the impact of the food. Also on the



trip was his wife, Edem. Frank reflects on the trip:

 ”The trip exceeded my expectations ……I was excited to hear


all the positive ways FMSC’s food is impacting the school children and the community.  It is wonderful to hear that children


‘ numerous and popular hunger related health and fatigue issues ceased with the inception of the feeding program. Also, it is 


impressive to hear that the school’s enrollment has increased since the lunch food program started! Finally I am impressed 


with the PTA’s enthusiastic support of the food by the commitment to construct cafeteria.”


        [Dr Allen Showing a couple how to fill survey forms.]

Dr. Allen Reesor of Metrix Research International, Hollywood, Florida also visited the 4 schools doing the feeding program to continue with research work from February 14-24.





        [Ernestina receiving Embroidery sewing machine.]


We thank Debbie Crammer and Gifts for the Nations and David Ketchum and Mission Resource International for their 


collaborative effort in donating an embroidery machine to my niece Ernestina Adzimah of Edinam Fashions. May God 


continue to bless and expand her sewing business.

[Ernestina admires the Embroidery sewing machine.]



Ghana Christian Mission //  Tema GH // +233 24 408 0498  // +1 317 431 4622 //   www.ghanachristianmission.com