FAME Monthly Prayer Calendar                       AUGUST 2017 


Dear Reggie Hundley; Mission Services,

Thank you for your continued prayers for the ministry of FAME; it’s partners, staff, board members, volunteers, trip participants, scholarship students and special projects. People all around the world are being blessed by your faithful prayers each day.  

This month, please pray for the FAME staff and Board members that serve the ministry. Pray for wisdom and discernment as FAME considers new sustainable healthcare projects, locations to ship medical supplies and equipment and locations and dates for short-term medical mission trips.

We also ask for prayer for Executive Director, Bill Warren and Director of Development, Jeff Coon as they go out on various speaking engagements on behalf of FAME this month. Pray that partnerships with the churches or organizations they will be visiting will be strengthened and that new opportunities for support may be discovered.

And lastly, please pray for all our volunteer groups listed on the calendar this month, as well as all our individual volunteers that come on a weekly or monthly basis to serve at FAME. We could not do all we do without their help.

Blessings to you and yours in the coming month,  

Lisa Law
FAME Office Manager


Click here for the FAME Prayer Calendar

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4545 Southeastern Avenue
IndianapolisIN 46203
(317) 358-2480