Night of Hope brings us together as we point to God’s blessings through the ministry of FAME, our partnerships around the world, and through YOU as we send help and hope. Plan now to join us for this special night of food, fellowship and fun!

A message from Dr. Ajai  Lall of CICM , a fabulous catered dinner, silent auction, and a way to partner with missions, makes this an evening you won’t want to miss.

Proceeds from this year’s event will go toward the new mission hospital of Central India Christian Mission. (CICM). The medical ministry of CICM brings help and hope to the suffering and their families by meeting their physical and spiritual needs.

The program will also include Special Recognition for mission trip participants that have gone on FAME short-term mission trips in the past. If you have ever been on a FAME trip, plan now to attend this wonderful evening so that we can give you special recognition.  Please be sure to let us know on your registration form where and when you served.

Friday, November 3, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 with hors d’oeuvres. Program begins at 7:00.

(Click here for more information and to Register)


2017 Night of Hope Sponsors

McCarty Mulch 

If you would like more information about being a Sponsor for this year’s event, click here



This past spring, FAME was blessed to have a volunteer group from Western Illinois University (WIU) Campus Students for Christ. This was the third year that this campus ministry came to our Indianapolis location to serve alongside us.  

One of the volunteers, Dr. Stephen Ayosanmi wrote the following about their experience. 

“2017 Spring Break experience at FAME was a remarkable event for me. I developed the interest to participate in the volunteering program with FAME at the ICOM 2016 (International Conference on Missions). Then, I got to know about FAME as partners in evangelical medical mission. I have a strong passion for medical mission based on my experience in a health care delivery in Nigeria, West Africa. I have participated in some volunteering medical missions and I knew what it entails. This was the reason behind my sign up for volunteering service at FAME for the 2017 spring break.

We arrived in Indianapolis on Wednesday and we resumed work at the FAME office on Thursday. I was amazed by the quantities of medical equipment being provided for missions in Africa and other developing nations. These medical equipments comprise the basic instruments needed for medical and dental care as well as some facilities needed for surgical and dental care.”

(Read More) 




SEPTEMBER 10-14,2017

FAME is excited to host a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) TOT1 Training this fall for those who want to learn steps for implementing CHE, how to choose a target community and strategies for entering the community. This phase of training is aimed at understanding the Biblical basis for CHE and basic principles of wholistic community- based development. Participants learn basic skills for raising awareness, organizing, and mobilizing the community for cooperative action. The upcoming training will be held September 10-14 at Camp Allendale in Trafalgar, IN.


Individuals who are Missionaries, Short-term Mission Team Participants, Mission Trip Leaders, Church Mission Team Members & Pastors, Forwarding Agents and Mission Board Members, and those who wish to be “informed” stewards. 

Space is limited so register early! 

READ MORE or click here to register



Construction progress on the new hospital near Saltillo, Mexico

FAME is blessed to be partnering with Dr. Esly and Dr. Sandy Fuentes, of World Wide Hispanic Outreach, to build a medical hospital near Saltillo, Mexico. The name of the ministry, World Wide Hispanic Outreach, explains their focus exactly; to reach out to their brothers and sisters for Christ. The WWHO ministry began in the inner city of Saltillo and has grown to serve Mexico, the Caribbean, and the United States. In 2008, FAME sent equipment and supplies for the first clinic that opened in February 2009. This clinic serves the medical and dental needs of the rural farming village of, la Biznaga, and other surrounding villages, located southeast of Saltillo in theSierra Madre Mountains. The government provided a pharmacy in the clinic in July, 2009.

 Dr. Esly and Dr. Sandy take care of many in several communities while sharing the great news of Jesus. The hospital will be a great addition to serve and impact many lives in these same areas.

The foundation for the hospital has been laid and construction is taking place.  

 The new hospital facility will provide immediate and
ongoing medical care to the surrounding rural communities. The total project will provide 15 patient
beds, on-site medical, dental, and x-ray labs, an emergency room, a maternity wing and a surgical suite. Their vision is to start a nursing school that will help provide patient care and generate revenue. Nursing students would be funded by scholarships from
churches in the United States. The annual Hospital budget is projected to be $80,000 to $100,000 and self-sufficient in 5 to 10 years.