Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    Spring 2017
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah 
& Analise 

New Creations, New Life
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Higuey Christian Church

We praise God that over the last several months His 

Spirit has been moving throughout our 

congregations and has been leading people to Him.  In the Higuey Christian Church, twenty (24) people have given their  

lives to Christ and were baptized in the last three months.  


Juan Diaz (lead minister) and Harold Diaz (youth and worship minister) are seeing a lot of fruit from their new in-home bible studies and weekly discipleship program.

Ryan VandeLinde, Juan Diaz, Fany Diaz, Marianela Diaz

Punta Cana Christian Church
In the Punta Cana Christian Church, lead minister Franklin Francisco is seeing a lot of spiritual fruit as four people gave their lives to Christ and were baptized over the last month.  Franklin praises God for the response of the congregation to his messages about forgiveness, repentance and eternal life.   






Franklin, Ilonka, Ryan

Blessings in a Box

Several years ago we started a giving program entitled “Blessings in a Box.”  This is a Christmas giving program where several US churches ask their congregations to sponsor a Dominican/Haitian child in our ministry and send them a Christmas gift.  Each American family fills a shoebox sized container with toys, clothes, dolls, etc…which is shipped to the Dominican Republic and given to a specific child.  This year we were able to bless over 700 children with a Christmas gift!  After seeing the smiles on the faces of these children, these gifts were definitely a “Blessing in a Box.”  

A HUGE thanks to all who participated.         



VandeLinde Furlough

Erin and I continue enjoying our time on furlough as we have traveled around the United States visiting supporting congregations and sharing about how God is moving through our ministry in the Dominican Republic. It truly has been a blessing to share with each congregation.
Currently, we are geared up and ready to help lead three Easter services in Virginia, which will be the first Easter services we have celebrated on American soil for several years.    
Here are the churches we will be visiting on the next several months. Hope to see you there!
 April 8-9th, Christ’s Church, Mandarin, Jacksonville, FL
April 29-30th, Crossroads Christian Church, Danville, IL
May 20-21st, Plum Creek Christian Church, Butler, KY


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me personally.




Website & Facebook

Check out our website and follow us on Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
New Life in Christ
VandeLinde Furlough
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde(at)hotmail.com

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute

Well, we are enjoying being in the USA close to family. We got to celebrate Valentiene’s Day with Poppy and Nene and it was so much fun.  We made cupcakes, opened a present and even had a chocolate fountain! Here is a picture of all three of us using the chocolate fountain.  (yes, we may have gotten a little messy)



             -Micah, 10 yrs. old 





Josiah’s Jot 





















I’m in Virginia…enough said. 
But hey, I make a cowboy look cool, huh?


Josiah, 6 yrs. old 



  • Repair roof of La Romana Christian Church, Cost Approx $5,000


  • VandeLinde family furlough
  • That our churches will reach many people with the gospel in 2017
  • That God opens the doors of the families that are a part of our Punta Cana School 


  • Higuey Christian Church purchased a drum set for their worship ministries
  • Higuey Christian Church was able to repair their leaky roof
  • For the 24 baptisms we have had over the past several months
  • RL Ministries: several of Ricardo’s songs are on the radio and the ministry is growing rapidly. Ricardo and Marlen have been invited to sing in many churches in Costa Rica in January
  • Self-sufficiency: each of our church plants continues to move toward being self-sufficient or self-sustainable

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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