Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    June & July 2016
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah 
& Analise 

New EDCM Team Members
Ask. Seek. Knock.


Change is always hard.  Sometimes change is needed and sometimes it is demanded.  However it comes, it is always hard.  Since September 2015, the La Romana Christian Church has been without a lead minister, since the return to Costa Rica by the Baez family.  This transition has been very hard for the congregation because the Baez family is very loved and will be loved for years to come.  However, Jesus tells us in Matthew 7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Therefore, that is what we began to do.  We began to ask God to send us a new lead minister for the La Romana congregation. The church held a “40 days of prayer” campaign where we all prayed together every single morning at 8:00 for 40 days. We also fasted every Wednesday asking God to provide a new leader for the congregation. 

After several months of praying and interviewing dozens of preachers, God answered our prayers!  God gave us the vision to ask Victor Hernandez,

the current l 


 minister in the Higuey Christian Church, to move to La Romana and begin to lead the La Romana Christian Church.  This was truly God’s idea as many of the spiritual leaders here in the DR had the same idea without even talking about it.  Victor has many years of experience and is very prepared to lead the La Romana congregation. 



Therefore, after making this decision, we immediately
Juan and Marianella Diaz
 changed our prayer focus to asking God for a new lead minister for the Higuey Christian Church.  We remembered and believed the words of Jesus when He said: “Ask and it will be given to you.”  Very shortly after making this decision with Victor Hernandez, God brought to us Pastor Juan Diaz.


Juan and his wife Marianella were serving in the Christian Church of los Salados in Santiago, DR.  Juan was an elder and Marianella was in charge of the children’s ministry.  Their son Harold is a major part of the worship ministry and their daughter Fany was a faithful member of the youth group.  After talking to Juan and Marianella several times, we all decide that it was God’s will for them to move to Higuey and begin leading the Higuey Christian Church.

Juan arrived in Higuey early May, but his family joined him in mid-June after the school year ended.  Victor and Juan put into action a transition plan that would allow Victor to exit the Higuey congregation and Juan to enter and become the new leader. This transition went very well and the congregation already loves Juan and Marianella very much. 

Therefore, I would like to officially introduce you to the newest members of the EDCM Team:
Juan and Marianella Diaz
Harold, Fany  


Short-term Mission Teams
EDCM is very blessed to have many wonderful supporting congregations that are willing to travel to the Dominican Republic and serve Jesus.  This summer we have hosted several fantastic groups from all over the United States. We pray that these short-term trips will have a long-term impact for all who participate.  We pray that God reveals Himself though these trips and that all who participate will grow spiritually.  
Christ’s Church Mandarin
Jacksonville, FL
Keith Simmons and his wonderful team from Christ’s Church once again partnered with us and helped share the gospel in La Romana, Higuey, Punta Cana and the Haitian village of Anamuya.  One day, this group shared the Word with more than 420 children in one single event! This great group also had the opportunity to visit and encourage many of our church members in their homes through devotions, testimonies and bible studies.  Thank you Christ’s Church!
Nicholson Christian Church
Independence, KY
Larry Travis, an EDCM Board of Trustees member, led a fantastic group of brothers and sisters from Nicholson Christian Church. While they were here, they were able to completely transform the La Romana Christian Church’s stage by recovering the sound panels that were hung on the walls in 2004.  Nicholson also worked with the children in La Romana as well as the Haitian village Otra Banda. Their bible lessons and crafts were just the thing these children needed.  Thank you Larry for continuing to partner with us and help us reach Dominicans and Haitians with the saving message of Jesus Christ.



VandeLinde Furlough
Beginning in July 2016, the VandeLinde family will be taking a one year furlough. After being on the mission field full-time for 7 1/2 years, we have decided to take this time to return to the United States in order to accomplish the following goals: 

Rest and Renewal

God has been very good to us and has blessed us tremendously here in the DR. We have worked very hard and the mission is really moving in the right direction. Therefore, we feel that this is a good time for us to take a furlough and after one year return to the DR re-energized, re-focused, and with a good clear vision for the future.

During our furlough, we will be living in Virginia, but plan to return to the DR several times during the year.  We also would love to visit your church to share what God has been doing through EDCM. Please contact me if you would like us to visit.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me personally.



Website & Twitter

Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
New Team Members
VandeLinde Furlough
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute

Well, I just had my birthday and turned 10! My Dad says he can’t believe that I am 10 and that it seems like I was born yesterday. Anyway, I guess that means he is getting old. But I am 10 now and ready for fifth grade. I celebrated my birthday in the US this year at Blue Ridge Christian Camp. It was cool to be at camp during my birthday. They had a cake for me and sang to me all day long.

Here is a pic of my new pet turtle. I don’t have a name for him yet, but I will soon. Ok, see you later! 




-Micah, 10 yrs. old 





Josiah’s Jot 





















Well, you know I love my little sister, so here is a pic of me and Analise on a boat. The waves were huge and we were bouncing all around. They were also splashing us in the face. It was so much fun. Have a great summer!
Oh yeah, here is how Analise beats the heat here in the DR:
Homemade Swimming Pool


-Josiah, 5 yrs. old 


  • A wireless battery operated speaker that we can use for worship services where there is no electricity: about $350
  • Wireless microphones
  • Several laptops-new or used-that will be used to run powerpoint and easy worship during our worship services


  • The transition of the new preachers in La Romana and Higuey: Juan Diaz and Victor Hernandez
  • That God would continue to send workers to help us reach His goals here in the eastern part of the country
  • New Pastoral Family: Juan and Marianella Diaz


  • New Pastoral family in Higuey
  • Lead minister in La Romana
  • La Romana Church renewed their rental contract for 10 more years! This is a huge answer to prayers.
  • RL Ministries: several of Ricardo’s songs are on the radio.

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission


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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission, 1715 Meadows Rd, Vinton, VA 24179