CMF International News


Notes from Hope Home: ‘Faith like a child’s’

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 12:26 PM PDT


CMF missionary Becca Shaffer serves in a residential home for disabled children in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Here’s a beautiful story from her most recent newsletter.


Our children amaze me. Daily. Sometimes more than that. They convict me of my own weakness and unbelief more than a sermon by the smartest theologian ever could. I look into their eyes and I know that Jesus was serious when He told us to have faith like a child. I see it as the kids explore the world through our new curriculum in the classroom, I see it as they are in awe of Jonah’s launch from the belly of the whale to dry land. I see it as they practice flying like birds and using their “beaks” to pick up food. They’re all into the world around them; they approach it with faith, with wonder, and awe. They are always looking for beauty, they venture with fear and not against it, and belt tunes of praise with unparalleled joy and no concern for the judgment of others.


CMF International, Hope Home, Thailand, Becca Schafer


I see that I have much to learn from them.


When I go to the new house, I see the missing roof, the hole in a wall where there should be a bathroom and the seeming impossibility of finishing in time. Kame and Tadpole see a pile of gravel and sand and delight. I walk back fretting over the long to do list. LeLe grabs a leaf and brings it as close as possible to his eyes, examining every line and crevice. He’s not worried. He’s amazed. I’m waiting to see God work and LeLe, Tadpole, and Kame are already marveling in what God has put right in front of us.


A staff member is going through a challenging time, and I’m not sure how to love and care for her well. Little Guy, however, runs and gives her a hug, grabs a toy and the two are off to play. In no time, Tadpole and Kame are joining along and everyone is having fun, smiling and laughing, where moments before was only pain and tears. I’m thinking about how to love and care, and Little Guy is living love and care already.


Dontrii and Yindee have both had odd medical issues this month, and when they can’t tell us their symptoms or where the pain is coming from I am measuring, counting, and consulting Dr. Google about what million different sources could be the culprit. I’m busy using my mouth, my mind, and my actions to fix whatever I can. I am getting frustrated beyond belief, not convinced we’re getting what we need, unsure we can obtain what we need to help. Dontrii and Kame though, they’re waiting peacefully. In pain, fevers, and the turmoil of all my measurements they are at peace knowing God is sovereign.


I’m busy cramming knowledge and looking for answers anywhere and everywhere, and they’re looking to the One who is all knowledge.


This is faith like a child’s. Seeing God everywhere. Loving without thinking. Trusting and seeking after Him always. If only I would drop to my knees as fast as I search doctor google. If only I would truly love unconditionally so that there’s no question of how to do it when times get odd and difficult. If only I would wonder and delight in all the pillars and floors that God has built even when the wall has a hole in it. I am beyond blessed to live alongside these faithful children and I continue to hope and pray that our journey together will bring each of us closer to our Lord and Savior and proclaim His goodness and love to our neighbors, friends, and those all around us!