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CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
Providing authentic Christian community through international campus ministry.

Meredith McKinney: Five best things about what I do

Meredith McKinney, Scotland, Roots, campus ministry, Globalscope, CMF InternationalMeredith is a founding member of the Globalscope campus ministry Roots in Edinburgh, Scotland. She’s been in Scotland since 2013, so she obviously loves it, and here are five reasons why! 5. Edinburgh is a tourist destination. As a popular tourist destination, it’s a city that attracts family, friends, and supporters to come visit and […]
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‘Ready to step things up a notch!’

Campus ministry, Brisbane, Australia, Globalscope, CMF InternationalEric Schlipf and his wife and teammate Emily Abernathy have been in Brisbane, Australia, for six months, and their brand new Globalscope campus work is making big strides in launching its ministry to students at the University of Queensland. Emily shares some of the milestone events in this update: It’s a humbling and amazing thing […]
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Campus ministers share top take-aways from furlough

Andrew and Kate Owens, Scotland, Roots, campus ministy, CMF International, GlobalcopeWhen CMF team members take a break — what we call a “furlough” — from their overseas ministries, it’s not a vacation. Every furlough involves travel, retooling ministry plans, education, and a host of other activities, including getting some rest. Andrew and Kate Owens, who serve as Globalscope campus ministers in Edinburgh, Scotland, recently shared […]
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