JULY,  2017                                                                                                     


     “Grace and peace to you from us (CBM Team) and from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  We 


thank our God every time we remember you in all our prayers for all of you.  We always pray with joy because


of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.” (Php. 1:2-5).


    This month we will celebrate 48 years of ministry here in Brazil.  God has been extra good to us and we ask


that you continue to pray for us and the entire Brazilian team, both here in central Brazil as well as the


Amazon Region.  


    There have been a number of baptisms in the Amazon Villages the last few months.  Three new village


church buildings have been dedicated as well.  I also had the opportunity to baptize a gentleman that I had


discipled over 20 years ago.  His wife has been faithful all these years and finally he decided to make his


decision to accept Christ and be baptized.   


     We have had some new experiences the last couple of months on our Amazon Boat Trips.  In April we only


had two Americans (Dr. Woody and Merle) and so the boat crew had double duty.  They did an excellent job



and now know how much work it is in treating individuals that come on the boat.  Two different times during


the June trip because of the number of patients from the villages, we worked until 11:00 pm and only had


dinner atmidnight.  It was tiring but no one complained.  At these two villages we treated 151 and 177 patients


each day.


     We need your help:  On each trip we use 30-40 thousand vitamins.  We are always in need of both adult


and children´s vitamins.  If you can collect some and let us know, we can send you the address of the next


groups that are coming for trips so you can send the vitamins to them.


    Please let me introduce you to Alexandre and Letícia and a new vision as we look to the future of our


Project Amazon Ministry.  Another page of this letter will do that and also a note from CBM´s President, Dr.


Woodrow Wilson.  There is also a page of pictures.


  Click on this link:


     Thanks again for making this ministry possible, and with your help;  we continue… with much LOVE.


     Working For A Greater Harvest,


      Earl and Ruth Anne and our entire CBM Team                 



Page 2      



 Please prayerfully consider the following:


     Let me introduce Alexandre and Letícia to you:  Both of these individuals have grown up in the N.H.


Church.  In fact, Alexandre´s parents were one of the first couples that I married over 35 years ago. 


Alexandre is an accountant and has a small business right near our home.  This couple stays in our house


when we are on the boat trips each month.


       This past year (2016) Letícia studied hard and passed the entrance exam for medical school.  She is now



in her first year of studies.  They cannot afford the over $2,000 a month fee for her to study.    SO…….. We



(CBM) want to help them since we are where we are today because others invested in us.  We would like for


you to invest with us at least $50 a month to help her become a doctor.  You can send $50 each month to


Michael (made out to CBM – tax deductible – memo: Medical school) or you can send one check for the entire


year.  (Just a thought:  Maybe just once a month instead of eating out you could use the $50 to help Letícia.


       After her six years of schooling and graduation she would repay the mission by working on some of the


trips on the CBM boat in the Amazon.  Right now both of them are so excited and ready to move to Manaus. 


       Thanks for your prayers and for considering investing in Leticia’s education and future medical help on


our Amazon Boat Ministry.


     With much L O V E,




A few words from CBM´s President, Dr. Woodrow Wilson:


Dear CBM supporter,


It is said that “God works in mysterious ways”.  Having 30 American strangers helping a young Brazilian


couple through medical school is another example of this.  As the president of Central Brazil Mission, I am


excited to see where God is leading in this endeavor and wholeheartedly support Earl’s vision of having a


future Brazilian doctor intimately involved in the Amazon Boat Ministry.      Many of you have been on boat


trips and realize the difficulty of communicating medical problems thru an interpreter (especially if that


interpreter is Earl).  If the Amazon Boat Ministry is to continue being successful, there is a real need for


additional support by the Brazilian medical community and this effort could be a significant part of getting that


support.  You know how difficult medical school can be, so please consider helping this couple financially


obtain their goal and also potentially helping CBM´s future success in the Amazon.


Thank you for your support.


Woodrow Ray Wilson M.D.


President:  Central Brazil Mission