13 December 2017
Uzbekistan still searches homes and fines people for meeting and having
religious literature, claiming in one case to look for a gun. After one
person admitted to reading Christian books at home, their home was raided
and Bible confiscated. Elsewhere, a Bible was destroyed.
* See full article below. *

Pray for our partners in UZ.
In spite of such harassment by officials, many Christians practice their faith and evangelize (carefully, wisely).
Some years ago Sergei Golovin and I visited Christians and churches scattered through part of the country. Later Sergei went again, but it was not safe enough for the people for an American to be among them.
When we went to leave, we were detained at the terminal, missed our flights, had to get other tickets, etc. Just a show of power by the authorities. 
Our contact (through the Christian Center for Science and Apologetics) in Uzbekistan is involved in camps and apologetics ministries. He and his family walk a thin line.
Bless America with your faithfulness to Christ and pray for others who are faithful in very difficult circumstances. 
Three are many of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in dangerous situations and some are suffering for their faith.
Pray for them. 
PS we had a good TMI board meeting December 12. We are facing various transitions and uncertainties, especially in Crimea. We reduced the staff at the Center. Now the staff is fully supported by the income from the hostel and a few donors who designate their funds for the them. Pray for the current transition that some of the team members are going through and others will go through when we sell the Center, the House on the Hill.  The next newsletter will show some pics of the Thanksgiving event at the Center, an outreach under the thin cover of an American celebration. gpc