Brigada Today 2017/06/11
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2017/06/11 — Brigada Today

Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) God’s Story (on VCD) in 55 Languages in India For a Low Price
Jump to…2) Trans World Radio Offers Resources Via The Internet
Jump to…3) Get this Free Book Download: “Missionary Singles Issues”
Jump to…4) Get Professional TEFL Certificate Online
Jump to…5) Devotional Journals for Mission Trips: In 3 Easy Steps
Jump to…6) Japan 2017 Church Planting Institute Conference
Jump to…7) GMI Releases Operation World app on both iPhone and Android
Jump to…8) Struggling to Kick Off Your Outreach to Refugees? Here’s free Help
Jump to…9) Could Disciple Making Movements (DMM’s) Have TRIPLED???
Jump to…10) Want to Help the Unreached Deaf in Your Area? Start Here:
Jump to…11) Publisher Requests Book Proposals from Major World Cities
Jump to…12) AMD Bible Reading WordPress Plugin
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Please Help us Design a New “Wall of the Unreached”
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) God’s Story (on VCD) in 55 Languages in India For a Low Price

Do you know anyone in India who wants to buy the God’s Story video compact disk for a low price? It is in around 55 languages in India. Visit this website for more information.

If you pay in India, the price is around 1 dollar each. But what’s really cool is — if you know someone in India who could benefit from one (or more?) of these, you can pay/order from any other country, and have the vcd delivered locally in India. What a cool Father’s Day Gift! Learn more about this deal — and other opportunities too — at…
Of course, check first that they have a VCD player.

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2) Trans World Radio Offers Resources Via The Internet

TWR offers an amazing online resource for Christian content – music, sermons, worship, Bible teaching, videos, and much more. There is a wealth of material there for your spiritual enrichment. Use the 50+ language choices to share the Gospel with someone who speaks a different heart language. You may not speak their language, but you can share the Gospel with them via…

A free twr360 app is available both for iOS and Android .

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3) Get this Free Book Download: “Missionary Singles Issues”

“Missionary Singles Issues” first appeared in 2011. This is the 2017 revision with two additional chapters suggested by several singles. It now has 115 pages It is available to download free of charge as .doc, .pdf, or .zip files for your computer and as .mobi or .epub files for your Kindle or Nook. You can’t beat the price. Find it at…. html

If you know of a cross-cultural worker who is serving singly, why not take a moment now to recommend this resource?

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4) Get Professional TEFL Certificate Online

How can you get trained for that job overseas in Teaching English As A Foreign Language? Online! How can you teach English to arriving immigrants and the forcibly-displaced? Online! And unlike some courses, you can start anytime you want. ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world! The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards and enables one to obtain a teaching job in most countries.
See site for more info:

This seems like revolutionary stuff. Now, *nothing* can hold you back. Start today! : )

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5) Devotional Journals for Mission Trips: In 3 Easy Steps

I bet we’ve all come across one of these before… devotional journals for mission trips. Even though you’ve probably been on 10 mission trips before (or 20?), I bet you’ll be taking someone (or many?) on your next journey who will be experiencing cross-cultural service for the first time. Wouldn’t you love for your group to tie into something that could help them process their experiences through biblical lenses before, during, and after the trip itself — for a *LIFE* change? Nobody wants these trips to be a flash in the pan. Not you, not the trip participant, and certainly not the nationals/locals you’ll visit. So — what are you waiting for? Here’s a brand new set of journals: “Called,” “Challenged,” and “Changed,” — The idea is that each short-term mission trip team member gets a set: CALLED is used before the trip; CHALLENGED is used during the trip; and CHANGED helps the person not lose steam upon returning home. The books include real mission stories from various countries, as well as more-than-just-surfacey looks into Scripture. We’ve ordered a set of these to review. We encourage you to do the same. If you like them, place a bulk order in time to use with your group in advance of your next trip. Let’s turn short-term missions into long-term discipleship, both around the world… and deep within as well!

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6) Japan 2017 Church Planting Institute Conference


Join people from 200 networks in Japan’s largest church planting conference. The CPI conference will be held October 25-27 at the Heritage Resort near Tokyo. This Japanese & English conference is designed for anyone devoted to fostering healthy churches among the Japanese, the second largest unreached people group. Pray for this event, come yourself, or send others. For more information…

or write

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7) GMI Releases Operation World app on both iPhone and Android

Boy, even as GMI is drawing down its ministries of global mapping and research, they’re still at it. Bless their souls. Last week, in partnership with the Operation World Team and Missional Digerati, they released Operation World data in a really cool app format for both iPhone and Android. Download them and check them out for yourself via the App Store or Google Play for free. There are some great features:

*** Browse by country or by day of the year
*** Save favorite countries for quick reference
*** Quickly scan the Prayer of the Day, country stats and extended prayer/praise points
*** Check in as someone who is praying and join many from around the world
*** Share the Country of the Day via social media, email or text

Learn more at…

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8) Struggling to Kick Off Your Outreach to Refugees? Here’s free Help

Can you believe it? These guys from the “Rise Project” (I happen to know them personally — and they’re all busy people with other ministries and lots of responsibilities)… they go to all the trouble to put together a *top* notch video training course on helping international students and forcibly-displaced people (including refugees), then — of all things – they let you stream it off the web for free, without even so much as registering for a mailing list that will put you on someone’s fundraising list? I don’t get it. The only possible payback that I can see is that they actually want to help us all gear up for fruitful and effective global outreach. Love it.

There are 4 easy lessons. No fanfare. No sign-ups. Just invite a group to come to your house for 4 nights — watch these videos, discuss them, then act. What — could be simpler????

Here’s a promo video:

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9) Could Disciple Making Movements (DMM’s) Have TRIPLED???

Whoa. Is that possible? We’re not supposed to reveal the source — so our lips are sealed. But here are figures suggesting that in the past 15 years, the number of disciple making movements (DMM’s) which have expanded to at least 4+ generations have tripled in number.. would that not be the most amazing thing EVER??? Just 5 years ago, we were counting 100 to 150 movements. Could those have tripled??? Please join me in praying that this is fact – and let’s all do our part to keep the momentum multiplying. (Please don’t write to ask the source. We’re under agreement not to release it. But — please *do* pray for earnest, hard-working servants to keep doing more. If you’d like to do your part, start at

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10) Want to Help the Unreached Deaf in Your Area? Start Here:

Have you ever wondered how you can help reach Deaf in your neighborhood? Maybe you didn’t quite know how to get started? Check out this pool of resources that will at least give you starting points. The Deaf Ministries Connection List can be found at…

Yes, most of the resources are focused on the West — but give them time. It’s still a great starting point for the deaf. Know of others? Just click “Comment” following the web version of this item. Thanks!

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11) Publisher Requests Book Proposals from Major World Cities

Here’s a publisher — Urban Loft Publishers — who is inviting book proposals from Christian workers in major world cities. “An Introduction to Christianity in [your city name]” is a series of volumes to encourage pastors and lay leaders involved in the challenge of urban ministry today. Each book of 120 pages highlights God’s work in a particular city in the world, including both a bibliography and a tour/prayer walk of the city. Urban Loft is looking for authors who have a love of their city, who would like to delve deeper into God’s work in that city in the past and encourage those who seek to share God’s love in the city in the present and future. They are particularly interested in authors for Tokyo, Seoul, and Moscow, as well as New York, Chicago and Washington DC but welcome proposals for books on other cities as well. If you are interested in writing for the series contact Randy Lovejoy, series editor, at

(Thanks Andrew!)

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12) AMD Bible Reading WordPress Plugin

Here’s a great little Bible reading plugin for WordPress. This plugin gives you the power to easily include a daily Bible reading passage, a morning and evening devotional, random verses, most read verses, Christian life essential verses, and much more directly into your WordPress posts and pages. It’s easy to install and easy to use. Just look in WordPress for the AMD Bible Reading plugin. Give it a try! (Thanks Anthony!)

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13) We’re Grateful for…

… A $100 from Mission Network. Thanks for your amazing monthly partnership — which undergirds our work of getting resources, motivation, and trends out to thousands of world-changers serving daily all over the planet. God bless you!

… a $50 gift from a friend of “God’s Story” on vcd. Thanks!

… a $25 donation to Brigada from Equipping Servants International — ConnectEFL. What a great resource you have! And thanks for the help!

… a $100 gift from TransWorld Radio. Praying right now for your amazing ministry of radio, courses, apps, and more.

and a $30 from a guy who loves to get free resources out to mission workers worldwide. Bless you brother.

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Please Help us Design a New “Wall of the Unreached”

We have to make this decision by June 16th. Time’s a wasting. We began the quest with the item…

asking — should we prep a new Wall of Unreached Peoples by geography, then ask people to try to sleuth out the unreached within that zone? … or should we follow the more conventional (of late) unreached people group approach, scouting out the geography of the groups based on ethnolinguistic lines first, letting the ethnography speak to geography?

Put a different way: For prayer, mobilization, and strategy planning purposes in 2017, would you rather see UPG’s or map zones? We thought the answer would be simple but… wow… some really great minds have jumped in and, now, we don’t know *what* to do. But this decision (which we’ve been putting off for long enough) has to be made by end of day June 16th, 2017. Would you please visit the link above, read through (or at least scan through) the comments, then give your opinion? We’ll try to begin tangible layout work and order parts (thousands of dollars of parts; so we want to get this right) by the end of the week. Please help us make a good decision. Thanks in advance. To participate, just click “Comment” following the web version of this item. To see a picture of past Wall of Unreached Peoples in use, visit, for example,

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Copyright — This issue of _Brigada Today_ is Copyrighted 2016. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available on the Brigada website, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach the unreached. To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.

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